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- الهيئة المصرية العامة للمساحة (2005)
- مصر. (997)
- France. (909)
- Shakespeare, William, (510)
- مصر. إدارة المساحة العسكرية. (505)
- Manufacture française des pneumatiques Michelin. (474)
- Christie, Agatha, 1890-1976. (360)
- Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. (343)
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. (333)
- الشاروني، يعقوب، (331)
- Tanner, Matthew. (292)
- السيوطي، عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر، 849-911 هـ. (287)
- الهيئة المصرية العامة للمساحة، (280)
- يوسف، عبد التواب، 1928-2015. (273)
- شكسبير، وليم، (262)
- محفوظ، نجيب، (258)
- حسين، طه، (250)
- Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. (248)
- Manufacture française des pneumatiques Michelin. (247)
- العقاد، عباس محمود، 1889-1964. (246)
- عمارة، محمد، (237)
- Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885. (234)
- Aristotle. (228)
- ابن قيم الجوزية، محمد بن أبي بكر، 691-751 هـ. (220)
- Zola, Émile, (217)
- Maupassant, Guy de, 1850-1893. (216)
- الغزالي، محمد، 1917-1996. (215)
- Cartland, Barbara, 1902-2000. (207)
- Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870. (206)
- منصور، أنيس، 1924-2011. (206)
- الحكيم، توفيق، 1898-1987. (203)
- Stine, R. L. (202)
- أبو خليل، شوقي، 1941- (202)
- Plato. (201)
- كريستي، أجاثا، 1890-1976. (199)
- عبد الفتاح، إسماعيل، (195)
- Simenon, Georges, 1903-1989. (194)
- محمود، مصطفى، 1921-2009. (192)
- Molière, 1622-1673. (190)
- Steel, Danielle. (189)
- Fédération française de la randonnée pédestre. (186)
- Blyton, Enid. (184)
- السحار، عبد الحميد جوده، (180)
- القرضاوي، يوسف، 1926- (178)
- Maḥfūẓ, Najīb, 1911-2006, (175)
- Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894. (165)
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. (161)
- أبو دنيا، محمد حسن. (161)
- محمود، عبد الحليم، (161)
- مطلق، ألبير. (160)
- ابن تيمية، أحمد بن عبد الحليم، 661-728 هـ (159)
- Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. (157)
- Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, (153)
- مصر. مصلحة المساحة. (153)
- Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (France) (152)
- Balzac, Honoré de, 1799-1850. (149)
- الإبراشي، محمد عطية. (148)
- King, Stephen, 1947- (140)
- Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. (139)
- Scott, Walter, 1771-1832. (137)
- Daudet, Alphonse, (135)
- حسن، شوقي. (135)
- Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 (134)
- Walt Disney company. (133)
- Doyle, Arthur Conan, (131)
- زيدان، جرجي، 1861-1914. (131)
- الشعراوي، محمد متولي، 1911-1998. (130)
- Roberts, Nora. (129)
- Voltaire, 1694-1778. (129)
- Jacq, Christian. (128)
- ابن الجوزي، عبد الرحمن بن علي، 508-597 هـ. (127)
- أمين، أحمد، (126)
- عزوز، ابراهيم. (126)
- قاسم، محمود، (126)
- الصياد، هشام. (125)
- ضيف، شوقي، 1910-2005. (124)
- البكري، طارق، (123)
- Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900. (119)
- سالم، محمود، 1929-2013. (119)
- La Fontaine, Jean de, (117)
- صابر، مجدي. (117)
- San-Antonio. (116)
- Sand, George, 1804-1876. (116)
- Kant, Immanuel, (115)
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius. (114)
- Maḥfūẓ, Najīb, 1911-2006. (114)
- Austen, Jane, (113)
- Bryant, Bonnie. (113)
- Gudule, 1945-2015 (113)
- Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. (111)
- Association française de normalisation. (110)
- عبد الباري، عفاف. (110)
- Gallo, Max, 1932- (109)
- Scheer, Karl-Herbert, 1928-1991. (109)
- متى، (108)
- Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. (107)
- James, Henry, 1843-1916. (107)
- Kipling, Rudyard, (107)
- كيلاني، كامل، 1897-1959. (107)
- الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب، (8456)
- Gallimard, (8139)
- Le Grand Livre du Mois, (7026)
- Cambridge University Press, (6928)
- Oxford University Press, (6364)
- Routledge, (5821)
- Presses Universitaires de France, (5419)
- L'Harmattan, (5075)
- دار المعارف، (4880)
- Flammarion, (4678)
- Harlequin, (4657)
- World Bank, (4480)
- د.ن، (4448)
- Nathan, (4315)
- Dunod, (3909)
- Hachette, (3669)
- Ellipses, (3397)
- Asian Development Bank, (3118)
- Pocket, (3104)
- Librairie Générale Française, (3059)
- FAO, (3010)
- Macmillan, (2955)
- دار الشروق، (3018)
- United Nations, (2955)
- د.ن.]، (2817)
- Fayard, (2568)
- Seuil, (2425)
- الهيئة المصرية العامة للمساحة، (2348)
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (2278)
- France Loisirs, (2269)
- Masson, (2244)
- Éd. France loisirs, (2113)
- دار الفكر العربى، (2041)
- Actes Sud, (2010)
- C. Lacour, (2001)
- Casterman, (1991)
- McGraw-Hill, (1985)
- Albin Michel, (1937)
- Hatier, (1913)
- A. Michel, (1904)
- World Health Organization, (1796)
- الهيئة العامة لقصور الثقافة، (1789)
- J'ai Lu, (1782)
- Le Grand livre du mois, (1756)
- Gallimard jeunesse, (1750)
- الدار المصرية اللبنانية، (1837)
- UMI, (1736)
- Vuibert, (1722)
- دار النهضة العربية، (1759)
- Longman, (1624)
- مكتبة مصر، (1591)
- Dalloz, (1581)
- Plon, (1572)
- دار الهلال، (1550)
- الهيئة العامة لشئون المطابع الاميرية، (1519)
- Penguin Books, (1538)
- de Vecchi, (1486)
- دار المعرفة الجامعية، (1512)
- Wiley, (1548)
- Hachette Jeunesse, (1418)
- وزارة الثقافة، (1432)
- Larousse, (1380)
- Springer, (1438)
- A. Colin, (1342)
- Praeger, (1322)
- Foucher, (1268)
- دار الكتب العلمية، (1245)
- Éd. J'ai lu, (1236)
- Éd. du Seuil, (1228)
- Milan, (1220)
- المجلس الاعلى للثقافة، (1216)
- Fleuve Noir, (1195)
- Prentice Hall, (1207)
- A. Sutton, (1161)
- H. Champion, (1160)
- نهضة مصر، (1159)
- University of California Press, (1177)
- SAGE, (1155)
- مكتبة الانجلو المصرية، (1148)
- Heinemann, (1140)
- Stock, (1122)
- Economica, (1096)
- Solar, (1089)
- Belin, (1067)
- Éd. du Rocher, (1064)
- s.n.], (1045)
- R. Laffont, (1014)
- UNESCO, (1005)
- Hachette jeunesse, (1001)
- Bayard jeunesse, (995)
- [الناشر غير محدد]، (1072)
- Calmann-Lévy, (980)
- O. Jacob, (971)
- CRC Press, (980)
- Payot, (960)
- مكتبة مدبولى، (959)
- Penguin, (956)
- s.n., (929)
- OECD, (1007)
- Brilliant Classics, (100)
- Sage Publications, (94)
- John Wiley & Sons, (78)
- National Academy Press, (73)
- دار الأيام للنشر و التوزيع، (59)
- المكتب العربي للمعارف، (52)
- Springer-Verlag, (46)
- دار الكتاب الحديث، (46)
- مكتبة الأنجلو المصرية، (46)
- كنوز للنشر و التوزيع، (41)
- المركز القومى للترجمة، (40)
- دار نهضة مصر للنشر، (39)
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (36)
- International Food Policy Research Institute, (35)
- دار دجلة ناشرون و موزعون، (35)
- منشأة المعارف، (35)
- Academic Press, (32)
- Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, (32)
- Wiley Blackwell, (30)
- Harvard University Press, (29)
- M. Dekker, (29)
- Prentice-Hall, (29)
- دار الحامد للنشر و التوزيع، (29)
- دار جامعة الملك سعود للنشر، (28)
- شركة سنابل، (28)
- مؤسسة شباب الجامعة، (27)
- Duxbury Press, (24)
- دار الفكر الجامعي، (24)
- دار أصالة، (23)
- دار الكتب و الدراسات العربية، (23)
- مؤسسة حورس الدولية، (23)
- العربى للنشر و التوزيع، (22)
- دار الفاروق للاستثمارات الثقافية، (22)
- مركز الأدب العربي للنشر و التوزيع، (22)
- المكتب الجامعي الحديث، (21)
- دار الكتاب العربي، (21)
- دار النفائس للنشر و التوزيع، (21)
- Dover Publications, (20)
- National Academies Press, (20)
- Princeton University Press, (20)
- Random House, (20)
- [الناشر غير محدد] (20)
- دار المكتبي، (20)
- Delta Entertainment Corporation, (19)
- دار غيداء للنشر و التوزيع، (19)
- مكتبة العبيكان، (19)
- Chapman & Hall, (18)
- Lerner Publications, (18)
- Simon & Schuster, (18)
- دار الجامعة الجديدة، (18)
- دار القدس العربي، (18)
- دار الوفاء لدنيا الطباعة و النشر، (18)
- مؤسسة دار الفرسان، (18)
- Addison-Wesley, (17)
- Chapman & Hall/CRC, (17)
- John Wiley, (17)
- المجلة العربية، (17)
- عالم الكتب، (17)
- Human Kinetics, (16)
- Pearson, (16)
- SAS Institute, (16)
- St. Martin's Press, (16)
- Viking, (16)
- [الناشر غير محدد ]، (16)
- دار الفكر العربي، (16)
- دارة الملك عبد العزيز، (16)
- مؤسسة طيبة للنشر و التوزيع، (16)
- هيئة البحرين للثقافة و الآثار، (16)
- Marcel Dekker, (15)
- Penguin books, (15)
- دار التعليم الجامعى، (15)
- مؤسسة الوراق للنشر و التوزيع، (15)
- مكتبة الدار العربية للكتاب، (15)
- منشورات الحلبي الحقوقية، (15)
- De Gruyter, (14)
- Pearson Prentice Hall, (14)
- (1857.) (1)
- (19--?). (1)
- (1930) (1)
- (1944 printing). (1)
- (1951) (1)
- (1963) (1)
- (1966) (2)
- (1966). (1)
- (1968). (1)
- (1971) (1)
- (1971). (2)
- (1973). (1)
- (1978?). (1)
- (1996) (1)
- (1997) (1)
- (1997). (2)
- (1999 (1)
- (1999) (1)
- (200-?] (1)
- (2004) (1)
- (21-Dijon-Quétigny : (1)
- (ca 1998] (1)
- ** . (1)
- , 1911-<1912> (1)
- , 1948. (1)
- , <1936>-1938. (1)
- , <c1934-c1936> (1)
- , [1953] (1)
- , c1966. (1)
- , c1995. (1)
- , c2006. (1)
- , c2009. (1)
- , p1977. (1)
- , p1992. (1)
- ,c1971. (1)
- - (10)
- ----] (1)
- --19. (2)
- -19--] (1)
- -1906. (1)
- -1922. (2)
- -1930. (1)
- -1932. (1)
- -1937. (1)
- -1938. (1)
- -1945. (1)
- -1949. (1)
- -1952. (1)
- -1954. (2)
- -1955. (2)
- -1956. (2)
- -1958. (1)
- -1962. (1)
- -1963. (2)
- -1964 (1)
- -1964. (1)
- -1965. (1)
- -1966. (3)
- -1967. (1)
- -1968. (1)
- -1969. (1)
- -1970. (1)
- -1972. (1)
- -1973. (1)
- -1975. (1)
- -1976. (1)
- -1977. (1)
- -1979. (2)
- -1981. (4)
- -1982. (1)
- -1983. (2)
- -1984. (3)
- -1985. (4)
- -1986. (1)
- -1987. (3)
- -1988. (2)
- -1989. (2)
- -1990. (1)
- -1991. (1)
- -1992. (2)
- -1993. (2)
- -1994. (3)
- -1995. (3)
- -1995?] (1)
- -1996 (1)
- -1996. (5)
- -1997. (5)
- -1998. (3)
- -1999. (4)
- -199] (3)
- -2000. (4)
- -2001. (4)
- -2002. (3)
- -2003. (2)
- -2004. (6)
- -2005. (2)
- -2006. (2)
- -2007 (1)
- -2007. (2)
- -1953. (1)
- -1993. ©1993 (1)
- -2012. ©2012 (1)
- -2014. (1)
- -2015. ©2015 (1)
- -2017. ©2016-©2017 (1)
- -<2014> ©2014 (1)
- -[1947] ©1947 (1)
- -[1952] ©1952 (2)
- -[1959] ©1959 (1)
- -[1970] ©1970 (2)
- -[1984?] ©1984 (1)
- -[1999] ©1999 (1)
- -[2016] (1)
- -[2016] ©2016 (1)
- -[2017?] (1)
- .1975 (1)
- 1405 [1984 أو 1985] 1405 [1984 أو 1985] (1)
- 1406 [1985 او 1986] (1)
- 1407 [1986 أو1987] (1)
- 1407 [1986 او 1987] (1)
- 1412 [1992 أو 1993] (1)
- 1412 [بين 1991و 1992] (1)
- 1417 [1996 أو 1997] (1)
- 1418 [1997 أو 1998] (1)
- 1421 [2000 أو 2001] (1)
- 1422 [2001 أو 2002] 1422 [2001 أو 2002] (1)
- 1422 [2001 او 2002] (1)
- 1423 [2002 أو 2003] (1)
- 1424 [2003 أو 2004] (1)
- 1425 [2004 او 2005]- (1)
- 1427 [2006 او 2007] (1)
- 1430 [2008 أو 2009] (1)
- 1431 [ما بين 2009 أو 2010] (1)
- 1432 [2010 or 2011] (1)
- 1432 [2010 أو 2011] (1)
- 1432 [2011] (1)
- 1433 [2012] (1)
- 1434 [2012 or 2013] (1)
- 1434 [2013 أو 2014] (1)
- 1436 [2014 أو 2015] (1)
- 1437 [2015 أو 2016] (1)
- 1438 [2016 أو 2017] (1)
- 1438 [2016-2017] (1)
- 1438 [2017 أو 2018] (1)
- 1439 [2017 2أو018] 1439 [2017 2أو018] (1)
- 1439 [2017 or 2018] (1)
- 1439 [2017 أو 2018] (3)
- 1439 [2017 أو 2018] 1439 [2017 أو 2018] (1)
- 1439 [2017 أو 2018] 2018. (1)
- 1439 [2017 أو 2018] ©2017 (1)
- 1439 [2018 أو 2019] (1)
- 1440 [2018 أو 2019] (2)
- 1440 [2018 او 2019] (1)
- 1440 [أو 2019 2018] (1)
- 1493 [2017 أو 2018] (1)
- 1753. (1)
- 1788. (1)
- 1861. (1)
- 1870. (1)
- 1882. (1)
- 1893. (1)
- 1902. (1)
- 1905. (3)
- 1906. (2)
- 1907. (1)
- 1909. (3)
- 1910 (1)
- 1910. 1908 (1)
- 1911. (1)
- 1912. (1)
- 1913. (3)
- 1914. (1)
- 1918. (2)
- 1920. (1)
- 1922, [reprinted 1927] 1927 (1)
- 1924. (3)
- 1924. ©1912 (1)
- 1925. (2)
- 1926- (1)
- 1926. (1)
- 1927. (1)
- 1928. (1)
- 1931. (1)
- 1931. 1939. (1)
- 1932. (3)
- 1932. ©1904 (1)
- 1933. (1)
- 1933. ©1897. (1)
- 1934. (2)
- 1936-1947. (1)
- 1937. (3)
- 1937. ©1937 (1)
- 1938- (1)
- 1939 ©1946 (1)
- 1939. (2)
- 1939. 1944. (1)
- 1940. (2)
- Paris : (242766)
- القاهرة : (73251)
- London : (45402)
- [Paris] : (39638)
- New York : (33990)
- بيروت : (17495)
- [القاهرة] : (13166)
- الاسكندرية : (8236)
- Washington, DC : (7664)
- [د.م. : (7175)
- Rome : (7027)
- London [etc.] : (6976)
- Geneva : (6534)
- دمشق : (6049)
- Oxford : (5066)
- London ; New York : (4993)
- New York, NY : (4829)
- الجيزة : (4779)
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- الرياض : (3843)
- Madrid : (3825)
- عمان : (3807)
- Berlin : (3696)
- الكويت : (3660)
- Toulouse : (3488)
- Cambridge : (3274)
- Washington, D.C. : (3237)
- عمان، الاردن : (3197)
- Bruxelles : (3060)
- New York, NY [etc.] : (2903)
- Cairo : (2792)
- [د.م.] : (2694)
- Rennes : (2583)
- Grenoble : (2510)
- Strasbourg : (2506)
- Boston : (2499)
- [Manila] : (2458)
- Lyon : (2437)
- [S.l.] : (2381)
- Nîmes : (2359)
- Barcelona : (2303)
- عمان، الأردن : (2232)
- Arles : (2051)
- Ann Arbor, MI : (2012)
- Milano : (2010)
- بيروت، لبنان : (1992)
- [القاهرة : (1983)
- Nantes : (1978)
- The Hague : (1818)
- Hamburg : (1784)
- [S.l. : (1672)
- New York [etc.] : (1577)
- New Delhi [etc.] : (1521)
- Le Caire : (1491)
- حلب : (1470)
- Manila : (1467)
- Paris [etc.] : (1440)
- [مكان النشر غير محدد] : (1435)
- Oxford [etc.] : (1425)
- Stuttgart : (1372)
- Cambridge ; New York : (1341)
- الإسكندرية [مصر] : (1308)
- Bordeaux : (1282)
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- Chicago : (1260)
- Cambridge [etc.] : (1239)
- Montpellier : (1237)
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- الجزائر : (1176)
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- London : New York : (1014)
- Monaco ; [Paris] : (982)
- المنصورة : (974)
- Roma : (971)
- Oxford ; New York : (953)
- القاهرة، مصر : (949)
- Frankfurt am Main : (948)
- New York, N.Y. : (947)
- Paris, (918)
- تونس : (913)
- 2018. (4)
- 6th of October City, Industrial Zone : (1)
- Aarau : (1)
- Abingdon, Oxfordshire : (1)
- Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK : (1)
- Abingdon, Oxon : (2)
- Abingdon, Oxon ; (3)
- Abingdon, Oxon, UK : (1)
- Abingdon, UK : (1)
- Abingdon, United Kingdom : (1)
- Abu Dahbi, United Arab Emirates : (1)
- Abu Dhabi : (38)
- Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. : (1)
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates : (2)
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates : [Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates?] : (1)
- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia : (1)
- Ahmedabad, India : Ahmedabad, India : (1)
- Aix-en-Provence : (1)
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- Albuquerque : (1)
- Aldershot, Hants, England : Great Britain : (1)
- Aleppo, Syria : (1)
- Alexandria : (5)
- Alexandria, Egypt : (2)
- Alexandria, Egypt : Alexandria, Egypt : (1)
- Alexandria, Va. : (1)
- Alexandria, Virginia : (1)
- Alexandria, Virginia : USA : (1)
- Alexandria, Virginia. : (1)
- Alger : (1)
- Allainville aux Bois : (1)
- Allentown, PA : (1)
- Alresford, Hampshire : (1)
- Ames : (1)
- Ames : U.S.A. : (1)
- Ames : USA : (1)
- Ames : [Place of manufacture not identified] : (1)
- Ames, Iowa : (2)
- Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. : (1)
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- Ann Arbor, Mich. : (1)
- Ann Arbor, Michigan : (6)
- Ann Arbor, Michigan : Ann Arbor, Michigan : (1)
- Annapolis, Md. : (1)
- Antony : (2)
- Anzin : (1)
- Anzolia Emilia (Italie) : (1)
- Apt, France : (1)
- Arles, France : (1)
- Armonk, N.Y. : (1)
- Asheville, NC : (1)
- Asheville, North Carolina : (1)
- Ashland, OH : (1)
- Ashland, Ohio : (1)
- Athen : (1)
- Athens : (6)
- Athens, Greece : (2)
- Athína : Αθήνα : (1)
- Atlanta : (1)
- Atlanta, GA : (1)
- Atlanta, Georgia : (2)
- Auckland Park, South Africa : (1)
- Augsburg : (2)
- Austin : (1)
- Austin, TX : (4)
- Austin, Taxes : (1)
- Austin, Tex. : (3)
- Austin, Texas : (1)
- Australia : (12)
- Australia ; (8)
- Auvers-sur-Oise : (1)
- Auxerre : (1)
- Avellino : (1)
- Avon, Mass. : (1)
- Baco Raton, Fla. : United States : (1)
- Bahrain : (2)
- Baki : (1)
- Baltimore : (15)
- Baltimore : Batlimore, Md. : (1)
- Baltimore : United States of America : (1)
- Baltimore ; (1)
- Baltimore ; Baltimore, MD : (1)
- Baltimore, Maryland : (1)
- Baltimore, Md. : (2)
- Bamenda, North West Region, Cameroon : (1)
- Bangalore : Tronika City, Ghaziabad : (1)
- Burj Al Arab - Periodicals (5)
- CULTNAT-Cairo (198)
- Ch Lib - AVM (903)
- Ch Lib - Fiction Hall (9692)
- Ch Lib - First Readers Hall (1788)
- Ch Lib - Maps (1)
- Ch Lib - Non-Fiction Hall (7388)
- Ch Lib - Other Languages (302)
- Ch Lib - Periodicals (24)
- Ch Lib - References (813)
- Children Library (4097)
- Clostx. - B3 (63669)
- Clostx. - B3 - Depository Lib. (7688)
- Clostx. - B3 - Printed Music (96)
- Clostx. - B3 - References (3751)
- Clostx. - B3 - Research Methodology (2854)
- Clostx. - B3 - Safe (424)
- Clostx. - B3 – Withdrawn (4)
- Clostx. - B4 - Arts & Mm/Per (121)
- Clostx. - B4 - BnF Collection (377822)
- Clostx. - B4 - Depository Lib. - Periodicals (50)
- Clostx. - B4 - KIT Collection (204143)
- Clostx. - B4 - Map library – Atlases (23)
- Clostx. - B4 - Map library – Maps (89)
- Clostx. - B4 - Periodicals (1293)
- Clostx. - B4 - Rare books (6853)
- Clostx. - B4 - Theses (29902)
- Clostx. - Ch Lib - E (8846)
- Clostx. - Ch Lib - E/References (219)
- Clostx. - Ch Lib - Reading Challenge Project (622)
- Clostx. - YP lib - E (1999)
- Clostx. - YP lib - E/References (155)
- Clostx. : B4 - Special Collection (35574)
- Digital Server (6543)
- Digital Talking Books (DTB) (266)
- Kasr Khadija (3)
- Kasr Khadija - AVM (47)
- Kasr Khadija - Ch (2254)
- Kasr Khadija - Clostx. (65)
- Kasr Khadija - ML (3434)
- Kasr Khadija - References (52)
- Kasr Khadija - YP (1734)
- ML : B1 - BnF Collection (5275)
- ML : B1 - BnF Collection - Exhibit (324)
- ML : B1 - Francophone Lib. - Periodicals (30)
- ML : B1 - General (50267)
- ML : B1 - Manuscripts (2200)
- ML : B1 - Microfilm (602)
- ML : B1 - Mostafa Elfeki Coll. (1137)
- ML : B1 - Naguib Mahfouz Coll. (211)
- ML : B2 - Boutros Boutros Ghali Coll. (19)
- ML : B2 - General (57687)
- ML : B2 - Rare Books (5948)
- ML : B2 - Rare Books - Maps (237)
- ML : B2 - Special collection (34159)
- ML : B3 - Arts & Mm/AVM (8190)
- ML : B3 - Arts & Mm/AVM - Depository Lib. (239)
- ML : B3 - Arts & Mm/AVM - Research Methodology (7)
- ML : B3 - Arts & Mm/Gen. (21709)
- ML : B3 - Arts & Mm/Per (1)
- ML : B3 - Arts & Mm/Pictures (11)
- ML : B3 - Arts & Mm/Printed Music (330)
- ML : B3 - Arts & Mm/Ref. (1662)
- ML : B3 - General (30261)
- ML : B4 - Easy Reading (205)
- ML : B4 - General (22015)
- ML : B4 - Map Library - Cartography Books (4552)
- ML : B4 - Map Library - Folded Maps (250)
- ML : B4 - Map Library - Large Atlases (7)
- ML : B4 - Map Library - Large Maps (19)
- ML : B4 - Map Library - References (626)
- ML : B4 - Map Library - Sheet Maps (3446)
- ML : B4 - Periodicals (631)
- ML : B4 - References (12503)
- ML : E - General (53279)
- ML : E - Special Needs Library (504)
- ML : E - Special Needs Library/AVM (2)
- ML : F1 - General (29633)
- ML : F2 - Depository Lib. (10711)
- ML : F2 - Depository Lib. - Periodicals (30)
- ML : F2 - Research Methodology (2493)
- ML : F2 - Research Methodology - References (39)
- ML : Taha Hussein Library (783)
- ML : Taha Hussein Library - Periodicals (3)
- Nobel Collection - F3 (2242)
- Nobel Collection - F3/AVM (3)
- Reading Challenge Project - Ch/YP - Exhibited Area (952)
- Received Order (3)
- Shady Abdelsalam Coll.- B1 (1690)
- Staff Area (308)
- YP Lib - AVM (587)
- YP Lib - Braille (56)
- YP Lib - General (21935)
- YP Lib - Maps (2)
- YP Lib - Parents and Teachers Center (347)
- YP Lib - Periodicals (15)
- YP Lib - References (880)
- Young People's Library (51)
- Non-Fiction - ML (817662)
- Non-Fiction - SC (58805)
- Non-Fiction - JUV (53939)
- Fiction - JUV (41009)
- Fiction - ML (32278)
- Theses - ML (28413)
- References - ML (20893)
- Atlases - JUV (17945)
- Government Publications (17088)
- Non-Fiction - RB (11117)
- Fiction - SC (7620)
- Maps - ML (4090)
- AudioCD - ML (2872)
- Fiction - RB (2224)
- Video recording - ML (1713)
- References - JUV (1636)
- DVD - ML (1567)
- Periodicals - ML (1509)
- CD-ROM - ML (1143)
- References - SC (1128)
- Sound Disc - ML (631)
- DVD - JUV (485)
- Braille - JUV (417)
- Audiotape - ML (411)
- Score - ML (391)
- CD-ROM - JUV (367)
- Atlases - ML (346)
- Video recording - JUV (267)
- Braille - ML (260)
- References - RB (237)
- Maps - RB (233)
- Audio file - ML (212)
- Kit - ML (179)
- Audiotape - JUV (152)
- AudioCD - JUV (108)
- Audio file - JUV (55)
- Periodicals - SC (53)
- Periodicals - JUV (51)
- Kit - JUV (49)
- Audio player - JUV (45)
- videocassette - ML (36)
- Photos - ML (26)
- Periodicals - RB (22)
- Manuscripts (21)
- Photos - SC (14)
- Atlases - SC (13)
- Blu-ray disc (8)
- Maps - JUV (5)
- Slides - ML (4)
- Atlases - RB (3)
- IS collection (2)
- Photos - JUV (2)
- Score - JUV (2)
- Diskette - JUV (1)
- Diskette - ML (1)
Book List
النساجة و الصياد : اوبرا شعبية : (مستوحاه من تراث الحكاية الشعبية الخرافية) / تاليف شوقى خميس ؛ رسوم عدلى رزق الله.
- 398.22 K452
- خميس، شوقي.
- المجلس الاعلى للثقافة،
- 2010.
- القاهرة :
The Record Is InYour Cart X -
Optically stimulated luminescence : fundamentals and applications / Eduardo G. Yukihara and Stephen W. S. McKeever.
- 535.356 Y949
- Yukihara, Eduardo G.
- Wiley,
- 2011.
- Chichester, West Sussex :
The Record Is InYour Cart X -
Fragments of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes : designed synthesis, unusual reactions, and coordination chemistry / edited by Marina A. Petrukhina, Lawrence T. Scott.
- 546.681 F811
- Wiley,
- c2012.
- Hoboken, N.J. :
The Record Is InYour Cart X -
Voyage au cœur du chamanisme mexicain / Víctor Sánchez ; traduit de l'espagnol par Jeanine Chedeau.
- 201.44 S2111 1997
- Sánchez, Víctor, 1961-
- Le Grand Livre du Mois,
- [1997]
- Paris :
The Record Is InYour Cart X -
Biotechnologies for agricultural development : proceedings of the FAO International Technical Conference on "Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries: Options and Opportunities in Crops, Forestry, Livestock, Fisheries and Agro-industry to Face the Challenges of Food Insecurity and Climate Change" (ABDC-10).
- 338.16091724 F218
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
- 2011.
- Rome :
The Record Is InYour Cart X -
Plastics and sustainability : towards a peaceful coexistence between bio-based and fossil fuel-based plastics / Michael Tolinski.
- 620.192323 T6498
- Tolinski, Michael.
- John Wiley & Sons ; Scrivener Pub.,
- c2012.
- Hoboken, N.J. : Salem, Mass. :
The Record Is InYour Cart X -
Le fantôme de Theodora / Renee Roszel ; [traduction française de Anouk].
- 813.54 R841
- Roszel, Renee.
- Harlequin,
- c1996.
- Paris :
The Record Is InYour Cart X -
دبدوب يلون حديقة الحيوان / نقلها الى العربية سهيل مقل.
- 808.899282 D1119ha
- دار ربيع للنشر،
- 2009.
- حلب :
The Record Is InYour Cart X -
دبدوب يلون المزرعة / نقلها الى العربية سهيل مقل.
- 808.899282 D1119m
- دار ربيع للنشر،
- 2009.
- حلب :
The Record Is InYour Cart X -
Premier amour / Jean Stone ; [traduction française de Jean Esch].
- 813.54 S8781
- Stone, Jean.
- Harlequin,
- c1997.
- Paris :
The Record Is InYour Cart X